I feel lucky to have stumbled upon Sarah’s talent and found out about “The King,” as I have been playing it on repeat for two days. 

The New-York based star always mixes and matches genres, gracing her fans with an infused masterpiece. “The King,” for instance, is an indie piece where she transports listeners to an utterly beautiful setting. 

Sarah was featured in the music video of “The King,” where she does that with complete confidence. 

The project was dropped on June 4, under Everybody’s Music label. 

Since childhood, the up and rising star Sarah knew that music was what she wanted to pursue in the future. She added:

“I have such great memories of my dad driving around in his black car … and listening to his music like the Eagles and Beach Boys and Fleetwood Mac.”

“The King” is surely a jam and is now available on every streaming platform. 

Check it out below: