Earlier this year, singer-songwriter Nina Nastasia returned with her first new album in 12 years, Riderless Horse. It’s a great one, and today the singer-songwriter is offering up two more tracks that were written during the same recording sessions, “Whatever You Need To Believe” and “Too Soon.”
“Aging is cruel. Nature is cruel. Beautiful but mean,” she said of the latter. “Unlike this song, I won’t find some tall nice grass to lay myself down in to die. I will go out screaming and kicking. And if science can find some solution for the pains of aging and the bummer of dying, I’ll sign up for the clinical trials, but that’s a different song.”
And as for “Whatever You Need To Believe”:
It can be annoying to hear people talk about what exactly happens to a person when they die and then suggest things to do for that dead person in order for them to smoothly travel to the next destination in the afterlife, so they’re not trapped in a holding pattern. First and foremost, why do I have to take care of their travel plans. And second…well…what exactly have you chosen to have happen?
Listen to both below.
Riderless Horse is out now via Temporary Residence.