Recently, while reflecting on how nice a Kate Bush-style viral comeback would be, XTC’s Andy Partridge said he no longer writes new songs and is “waiting for my music mojo to return, in between researching UFO events.” I guess his music mojo returned? Patridge has a new band called the 3 Clubmen, and their debut single is out now.
The 3 Clubmen brings together Partridge plus Jen Olive and Stu Rowe. Here’s how Partridge described their approach to Joyzine:
Like an “action painter” throws colour at a canvas, we tend to throw musical and sound things, knowing that we’ll cut through this seemingly insane mess later, to hopefully find some beautiful garden, hiding there. I throw paint, Jen throws paint, Stu throws paint…and we walk away. If, when we return, something in there calls to us, we’ll move heaven and earth to get it out and let it breath. Using whatever it takes, be it contrary musical ideas, parts in clashing keys incongruous sounds, contradictory words/phrases. It’s all clay to us.
Hear the 3 Clubmen’s debut single “Aviatrix” below.
“Aviatrix” is out now on Lighterthief.