The New Jersey teenager known as Jane turned a lot of heads last fall with Frailty, their debut album as dltzk (pronounced “Delete Zeke”). As dltzk, Jane specializes in the hyperpop-adjacent emo-rap sound known as digicore. But they also make insane high-speed mashup mixes under the name leroy, and their latest such collection is out today.

The name Jane has chosen for this wildly energetic and uptempo mashup style is Dariacore. Today’s new leroy release is titled Dariacore 3​.​.​. At least I think that’s what it’s called? It essentially takes the old Girl Talk trick to hyper-caffeinated, extremely online Gen-Z extremes, pitching up the tones and ramping up the tempo while cramming together countless songs of varying familiarity, from Yeah Yeah Yeahs to the Weeknd, weaving them together with a songwriter’s ear and some tremendous original electronic production. It’s a wild ride that maybe peaks about 2/3 of the way through with the soaring, fiery Avril Lavigne flip “i hate when BOYS lie.”

If this is truly the last leroy release, they’re going out in a blaze of glory. Get your Monday off to a jarring but exhilarating start below.