Kacey Musgraves has filed a “massive complaint” against a male American Airlines flight attendant, whom she says she felt “unsafe” around due to his alleged “shockingly hostile behavior.” “I know there are way bigger things going on in the world at the moment,” she wrote on social media. “But I truthfully just don’t want anyone else to have my experience.”
See Musgraves’ full statement below.
Just ended my travels to/from my show in Spain on the most intense and honestly fucking awful flight on @americanair.
It’s extremely rare for me to want to come to a social-media platform to complain about something like this. I know there are way bigger things going on in the world at the moment. But I truthfully just don’t want anyone else to have my experience.
I wish it were as simple as complaining about the broken seat that wouldn’t recline for 7 hours overnight or there being no wifi. But it was the appalling and shockingly hostile behavior of a certain male employee (the flight’s chief purser) that I will be filing a massive complaint against along with many other passengers that were subject to his extremely overblown, unnecessary aggression and erratic behavior. He made me feel unsafe and upset to the point of crying and I witnessed another passenger he also made cry. The female flight attendants on board vocalized their own disbelief, and struggles with him as well.
@americanair, I will be going through the proper channels but I need to make it extra known that you have a liability on your hands with this man.
American Airlines responded to Musgraves on Twitter, writing, “These comments concern us. Please send us a DM with your record locator and additional details,” to which the country star replied, “Yep. Check the DMs.”
Now, I know flying is generally a hellish experience on the best of days, but if Kacey Musgraves can’t get decent service, who the heck can?