Hey, a new Sonic Youth album! Not new new, but new to you. Sadly, the iconic New York experimental rock band has not reformed. What they have done is combine five extended jams from their archives into a new full-length LP out today. It’s called In/Out/In, and it rules.
In/Out/In culls music from sessions between 2000 and 2010, capturing glimpses of the band in its “especially zoned/exploratory regions.” We got a preview back in January in the form of “In & Out,” and today the full album is out. The warm and low-key “Basement Contender” eases you into the album over the course of nine minutes, followed by the spacey “In & Out.” At under four minutes, “Machine” is the shortest and most cacophonous track, while “Social Static” lives up to its name with nearly a dozen minutes of highly musical feedback. “Out & In” concludes the proceedings with an increasingly epic 12-minute descent into fuzz.
If you love Sonic Youth, you’re going to love In/Out/In. Stream the full album below.
In/Out/In is out now on Three Lobed.