Earlier this year, the New Jersey hardcore punk band Gel released their fun-as-fuck Violent Closure EP — seven gloriously messy and squalid songs in 10 minutes. Gel haven’t yet released an album, but they’ve just announced plans to release a new split 12″ next year. They haven’t said who else will be on the split, but Gel’s participation alone is reason enough to get amped. So is “Mental Static,” the band’s latest banger.

“Mental Static” is a ferocious two-minute riff-monster with a bunch of changes. It’s all about attempting to fight your way through the fog of distraction, or maybe it’s about being overcome by that fog: “Mental static! Fuck my head, I’d rather be blind!” In the Ricky Lorenzo-directed video, the band plays while psychedelic patterns are projected on them. Check it out below.

You can get “Mental Static” now at Bandcamp. Gel’s forthcoming split LP is coming next year on Convulse Records.