Renowned hip-hop artist Cakeswagg talks girl-power in recent single “Big Plays”. The song is accompanied by an incredible music video that fans have been raving about; portraying the 1920’s jazz era and in particular, the mysterious appeal of speakeasies. Vibrant, flawless, and simply gorgeous – the clip offers us a close-up of what the atmosphere in these places was like; simultaneously, Cakeswagg puts on a one of a kind show, demonstrating her prowess and mastery.
“I feel like for most instrumentals/beats, the words are already written, as an artist it’s my job to find them. That’s the approach I like to take when I’m recording. Then from there I usually polish it out. Getting my message out in a clear yet artistic way has always been my goal and big plays is a representation of that,” Cakeswagg said, speaking about her creative process. The Boston native has been in the game for over ten years, and she knows exactly how to captivate an audience. Leading the female sector of the hip-hop scene, Cakeswagg continues to enchant listeners with a powerful voice as she encourages women to find their own voice.
Cakeswagg has been nominated and granted multiple prestigious music awards for her outstanding art. She has also founded a venture that makes millions proud – the Strong Black Girl Shop. Her previous popular releases include the EP Candy Cake Season with tracks like “Best of Me,” “Classic,” “Ice Cream,” “Candy,” “Had Enough,” and “Never Over,” as well as her full-length album Cakeology Vol I.