Just a couple months ago, Ben Cook released his third full-length album as Young Guv, GUV III, and he’s already gearing up to release another album, GUV IV, next month. He announced it with “Change Your Mind” a couple weeks ago, and today he’s back with another new single, “Nowhere At All.” Here’s what he had to say about it:

This was the very last song written for these records in Los Angeles. Another nice co-write with James Matthew VII and Tommy Major on the lead guitar. I feel I’ve always hinted at new wave and sophistapop with the Guv project, and it’s definitely something I will be exploring much more on my next albums. Lyrics were taken from a little notebook I kept on me while in Taos – I actually had written this originally as this Tom Petty folk joint and they then were tried on a side project song for a jokey psych rock band we were calling Taosman 5 – but eventually found their home on this track. I think it’s my favorite single.

Listen below.

GUV IV is out 6/24 via Run For Cover.