Next month, the endlessly prolific country-rock road dogs Drive-By Truckers will release their new album Welcome 2 Club XIII. The band spent three days recording the album live in Athens, Georgia last summer, and it’s got people like Margo Price and R.E.M.’s Mike Mills singing backup. The band has already shared the album’s title track, and now they’ve also dropped a new song called “Every Single Stories Flameout.”

“Every Single Stories Flameout” comes from DBT co-leader Mike Cooley. It’s a big, driving rocker that weaves in a horn section, and it’s got Cooley getting poetic about growing up and surviving. The band has been playing the song live on tour lately, but now we get to hear the studio version. In a press release, Cooley says:

I wrote that song when my son was turning 16 and going through a rough patch for a bit. Luckily, he’s turned it around and he’s doing great now, but it was a tough time for a while. Part of my way of dealing with it was to take ownership of the example I might’ve set, in the hope of leading him out of it.

Listen below.

Speaking of recent Drive-By Truckers live shows, the band played in Philadelphia on Saturday night, and they got together with opener Lydia Loveless to play a smokey cover of Tina Turner’s “What’s Love Got To Do With It.” Here’s a fan-made video:

Welcome 2 Club XIII is out 6/3 on ATO Records.