Tomi Lahren has drawn the ire of Cardi B once again.

Cardi sent a Twitter warning to the right-wing pundit after Lahren lambasted JAY-Z and Beyoncé for sitting during the national anthem at Super Bowl LIV on Sunday (February 2).

“Get me my leash,” she wrote, referencing last year’s social media clash with Lahren in which Cardi threatened to “dog walk” the Fox Nation personality.

The Carters were criticized by Lahren on Twitter and during an edition of her “Final Thoughts” videos. The controversial political commentator labeled Hov as a “former crack dealer” in her social media rant.

“Beyoncé & Jay-Z (former crack dealer)sit for the national anthem because apparently the United States of America has oppressed them with millions upon millions of dollars & fans,” she wrote. “Sounds rough. Maybe they should try another country that allows them a little more freedom & success?”

She added, “You hate police, Donald Trump, and the spirit of this nation so much you can’t pick your privileged asses off the chair for 2 mins to pay some respect? Despicable.”

JAY-Z and Beyoncé have both been targets of Lahren’s outrage in the past, along with Cardi and many others. The conservative host has also feuded with artists such as Wale and The Game.