Bring Me The Horizon frontman Oli Sykes has explained how rumours the band would be collaborating with Billie Eilish came about.
It had been rumoured that the two had teamed up back in January after Sykes left a comment reading “limousine” on an Instagram post of Eilish’s, which fans had worked out was one of the tracks on their then-unreleased album ‘Post Human: Nex Gen’.
However, when the album dropped with a day’s notice on Friday (May 24), Eilish wasn’t on the record at all, with the guest feature on ‘liMOusIne’ coming from AURORA.
Now, Sykes has explained where the rumours came from in an interview with Daniel P. Carter for the The Radio 1 Rock Show. It turns out that Sykes had sent Eilish an unfinished version of the song but never found out if she was able to listen to it or not.
“The Billie thing was just: her photographer’s a massive fan, and they kinda mentioned the idea of her doing a song,” Sykes said. “So I her sent ‘liMOusIne’. And this was quite a while before it was in its full, finished state. I mean, I can’t say for 100 per cent that she listened to it, but I knew it got to her.
“So me thinking that ‘liMOusIne’ wouldn’t mean anything to anyone but me and maybe her if she saw the comment, [I] left it on her Instagram, not thinking that a week or two later when we did the tour, we put the file names on our visuals live, and everyone connected it.”
He continued: “It was one of them things that seemed like such a proper cheap way to try and get some press, but it really wasn’t. I was actually quite embarrassed when I found out – like, ‘Oh god, no!’ Because I knew the chance of Billie doing a song with us was slim to none.”
Fans did correctly work out from the tour visuals, however, that Bring Me The Horizon had collaborated with Underoath for the track ‘a bulleT w/my namE On’.
In a four-star review of the album, NME wrote: “Few modern rock bands have made an album that is such a bombardment of sound and colour. Post-Jordan Fish, they continue to be what they’ve always been: a creative force that transcends the personalities of its individuals. It entirely justifies the four-year wait, which already feels like ancient history. Buckle up – because this is still BMTH’s world, and we’ll be living in it for quite some time yet.”