Mk.gee’s year of firsts is far from over. Yesterday (November 9), the “Lonely Fight” musician made his musical debut on Saturday Night Live.

For the career milestone, Mk.gee decided to split his performance slots with a Two Star & The Dream Police standout (“Alesis”) and his latest release (“Rockman“).

Mk.gee’s first set of the night was an ode to his love for music technology. One its on “Rockman” is a deeply irresistible record, but with the help of the fiery low lit stage setup and a backing band, Mk.gee’s lyrics like “Honey, just shut up and ride / Wherever you are / I want it on fire / Keep it up, you started a war / Oh, you can laugh it off / But you started a war,” penetrates even deeper.

The musician’s second and final set on the beloved late night staple was “Alesis,” off of Mk.gee’s latest studio album, Two Star & The Dream Police.

Both offered insight into why when Mk.gee took his show around the world, tickets sold out across North American and Europe with ease.

Watch Mk.gee’s performances of “Rockman” and “Alesis” on Saturday Night Live above.

Two Star & The Dream Police is out now via R&R Digital. Find more information here.