Charli XCX’s Brat album rollout has been immaculate, but it’s time for Brat to drop already. Luckily, we’re about 48 hours away.

In the meantime, Charli XCX stirred up her fan base by speaking about the Brat track “Girl, So Confusing” during Wednesday’s (June 5) episode of Las Culturistas With Matt Rogers And Bowen Yang. Like everyone else, Rogers and Yang desperately wanted to know whom “Girl, So Confusing” is about.

“This is the first time I’ve spoken about this song,” Charli XCX said around the 13-minute mark. “You guys are the first people to ask me. So, I haven’t quite decided whether I’m revealing. When I wrote it, I was like, ‘I’m revealing!’ But now, the time is here, [and] I’m like, ‘Oh, am I revealing?’ […] My thing is, people are gonna guess. You probably both have an accurate guess.”

Charli XCX then explained the larger meaning behind the song, as transcribed below:

“I think we live in this world of pop music right now where women are like, ‘I support other women! I love women, and I’m a feminist!’ And that’s great. Like, love that. I don’t think that you become a bad feminist if you maybe don’t see eye-to-eye with every single woman. That’s just not the nature of human beings.

There is a competitiveness between us. There is envy. There is camaraderie. All of these different dynamics. I feel that, working in entertainment, there is this kind of dance that we all do with each other, whether you’re in music [or] in your world [and] no matter how you identify. There is this dance. Everybody’s watching each other. Everybody’s posing in the picture, like, ‘Hey, oh my god, it’s so nice to see you!’ But then, you’re also like, ‘I want what they have.’ And then, the next day, you’re like, ‘They suck. I killed it today!’

This happens, but no one, really, is willing to discuss it. But we all probably have our person or maybe a few different people, and I’m sure we are that person for other people. I just find that there is this strange, unspoken thing that often happens particularly with women because there is such a narrative of pitting women against each other within music, and sometimes, that’s not totally fabricated. Sometimes, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

Watch the full Las Culturistas episode above.

Brat is out 6/7 via Atlantic Records. Find more information here.

Posted in: Pop