The members of Fucked Up have always been prolific, but they’re on a real run right now. Last month, Fucked Up released the gnarly noise-rock EP Oberon. In a few months, the band will follow that EP with their new album One Day; we’ve already posted the title track. And now we’ve also got new music from a Fucked Up side project.
Back in 2018, Mike Haliechuk, Fucked Up’s guitarist and lead songwriter, got together with drummer Jonah Falco to form a project called Jade Hairpins. When they released their first 12″ single that year, they hadn’t yet revealed their identity. In 2020, Jade Hairpins released their full-length debut Harmony Avenue, and they let the world know who they are. Today, Jade Hairpins have released a new song, their first music since Harmony Avenue.
The new Jade Hairpins song is called “Life In England.” It’s a short, catchy midtempo jam that explicitly calls back to the late-’70s era when punk, power-pop, and pub-rock were all overlapping. Jonah Falco, it’s worth noting, really does live in England these days, and he’s become a key player in a whole new wave of UK punk and hardcore. (I don’t know if Haliechuk is still in Toronto or what.) Check out “Life In England” below.
“Life In England” is out now, and you can get it at Bandcamp.