Take a celebratory Scrooge McDuck-style headfirst leap into the garbage pile because Richmond crossover thrash legends Municipal Waste have announced a new album today. Actually, maybe you should jump into a six-foot hole in the cemetery instead, seeing as their new song out today is called “Grave Dive.”
The new album, Electrified Brain, is Municipal Waste’s seventh full-length and first in five years. It’s dropping exactly three months from today. Vocalist Tony Foresta shared this statement: “We’re not writing any love ballads to sell records. We’re just doing what we’ve always done since the band started — and that’s try to write loud, fast, and ripping hardcorepunkmetal. We hope you walk away with some bloody ears, blown speakers, pissed off parents, black eyes, and a healthy distrust of authority.”
“Grave Dive” seems like it will do the trick. Listen below.
01 “Electrified Brain”
02 “Demoralizer”
03 “Last Crawl”
04 “Grave Dive”
05 “The Bite”
06 “High Speed Steel”
07 “Thermonuclear Protection”
08 “Blood Vessel – Boat Jail”
09 “Crank The Heat”
10 “Restless And Wicked”
11 “Ten Cent Beer Night”
12 “Barreled Rage”
13 “Putting On Errors”
14 “Paranormal Janitor”
Electrified Brain is out 7/1 on Nuclear Blast.